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Sentence or proper case only; do not use upper case. Do not include the organiser/presenter name – this will automatically appear through the organiser setting.
Provide a description of up to 150 words formatted into paragraphs. Please do not use bullet points, uppercase or include the ticket price.

Event Image

Image must be under 300kb and either a JPG or PNG file. Images display in a 16:9 format across the calendar, making portrait images unsuitable. The recommended dimensions are 800 x 450 pixels (w x h).
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Event Categories

Virtual Event

If your event is or includes a digital broadcast, this setting will apply a special online icon to your listing and a separate button for your digital tickets. Include your digital ticket URL here.
Type of Event:
Add Video or Meeting Link:
Video or Meeting Link URL


Facebook Live

No connected Facebook Pages found. You must connect a Facebook App to your site before you can add Facebook Live videos to events.

YouTube Live
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Virtual Event Label:
  • Virtual events will be indexed on Google as online events.

Events Status

Venue Details:

Select the venue where the performance will take place. Performances at multiple venues require separate event submissions. If the performance venue has multiple performances spaces, select the venue name i.e. Sydney Opera House if your event is in the Concert Hall or Utzon Room.
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Organiser Details:

Multiple organisers are allowed. The performer should always be listed first, with the presenter or festival following. The organiser details you provide will be publicly available.
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Event Website:

Provide the URL that is closest to where users can book tickets.

Additional Fields

These details will not be made publicly available.

Terms of Submission

Events can not be edited once submitted. Submitted events are moderated by Limelight within two business days of being submitted. Requests for edits can be submitted to events@limelight-arts.com.au.

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The Grinning Man

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Joyce Yang

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