In 2014, the current Federal Government made a very wise decision to support a music education program in which primary school mentor teachers look after classroom teachers in order to assist them to teach music. Equally wisely, the program was placed under the auspices of the Australian Youth Orchestra.

Richard GillRichard Gill training mentors at MONA, Hobart, in 2017. Photo © Heath Holden

A qualitative and quantitative study has been done on this program by the University of Queensland’s Creative Collaboratorium, together with a national survey requesting specific feedback from principals, mentors and teachers.

Here are comments from the national survey from principals: “Our amazing music mentor has inspired students and given teachers confidence to join, share and try. I would love this across every class.”
“Student engagement and interest in music has increased as well as their skills and knowledge. Teachers’ confidence in teaching music has increased.”

“This is the very best professional development my staff can have. It’s on the job training, it’s professional to professional and the tasks are implemented immediately.”

Teachers and mentors all comment on the benefits of the program, which is singing and movement based. It is thrilling to report...