As Àlex Ollé prepares to restage his production of Madama Butterfly on Sydney Harbour, he talks to Jansson J. Antmann about the Catalan powerhouse La Fura dels Baus, and how the Olympic Games paved the way to a career directing opera.

Madama Butterfly
Madama Butterfly at Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour, 2014. Photo © James Morgan

The 1992 Barcelona Olympics were far more than a celebration of sporting excellence. They were, arguably, the largest fusion of performative disciplines ever attempted. Long before anyone’s attention turned to the Catalonian capital, the world had already found itself in the grip of classical crossover thanks to Montserrat Caballé and Freddie Mercury’s duet Barcelona, co-written with Mike Moran, and Andrew Lloyd Webber’s Amigos Para Siempre sung by Sarah...