Feeling snubbed, the RCO’s Honorary Conductor wants nothing more to do with the orchestra.

Bernard Haitink is cutting ties with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra after he claims to have been snubbed at the orchestra’s 125th anniversary celebrations. In comments made to the Dutch newspaper Het Parool, Haitink says he was “totally ignored” by the orchestra’s management, leaving him feeling “almost humiliated.”

Haitink himself has just turned 85, and has criticised management, particularly CEO Jan Raes and Artistic Director Joel Fried, claiming they lack “interest in the tradition”.

In an attempt to dissociate himself from his former orchestra completely, Haitink requested that he give back his title as ‘honorary conductor’, though that was refused. Reportedly he has maintained a good relationship with the musicians, though this will not be enough for the seasoned maestro to stay on performing with them.

The Concertgebouw management were quick to respond to Het Parool stating briefly that “over the past five years the management, our planning department and Bernard Haitink have had contact on a regular basis. In the past years the flexibility which other prominent conductors offered to make concert sessions for Bernard Haitink has reached its reasonable limitation.”

According to the Slipped Disc website, Dutch sources alledge that “strenuous...