
Editor’s Note: May 15, 2015

A joyous disc of Mozart to forget the week’s financial woes. This week has seen news of financial shenanigans at the Federal Government level as well as reports of staff cuts and restructuring at Adelaide’s Elder Conservatorium. The announcement in the budget that George Brandis intends to take over $100 million from the Australia Council and reassign it to his Arts Ministry has received a mixed response. “Arts funding has until now been limited almost exclusively to projects favoured by the Australia Council,” said a statement from Senator Brandis’ office amounting to a tacit slap on the wrist. “The National Programme for Excellence will make funding available to a wider range of arts companies and arts practitioners, while at the same time respecting the preferences and tastes of Australia’s audiences. This will allow for a truly national approach to arts funding.” Brandis is a known keen supporter of the arts, attending a wide range of events and generally proving well informed. On the other hand, he has been accused in the past of bypassing proper channels to channel money into ‘favourite causes’ such as the Australian Ballet School or Melba Records. Continue reading Get unlimited digital access from $4 per…

May 14, 2015