It’s a tale as old as time. A handsome, wealthy prince has everything he could possibly ask for, except for that most elusive of possessions – true love.

A group of eligible women, each with their own story, steps into the spotlight to vie for his affections. With hearts laid bare and dreams aflame, they embark upon a journey that will test their resilience and ignite their desires. But shadows lurk in every corner.

Jealousy and treachery become silent accomplices, casting doubt upon the purity of intentions and the authenticity of emotions. Each week, alliances shift, secrets unravel and hearts collide in a tumultuous dance of love and deception.

There are heroes and villains, sweethearts and sirens. There is romance, heartbreak, friendship and betrayal, with spectacle to rival any opera and more twists than an M. Night Shyamalan movie. I’m referring, of course, to The Bachelor.

Samantha Wolf

Samantha Wolf. Photo © Tristan Siegel

I would not describe myself as a fan of reality television in general, but I fell into following the Australian version of the franchise when I discovered the joyful irreverence of Rosie Recaps. Her hilarious synopses piqued my curiosity about the show and...